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sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011
SHARE IT ON FACEBOOK! Don't let Chevron erase Servio and his family from the public record!
«Servio Curipoma is a farmer who lives in the Ecuadorean Amazon. He lost both of his parents and his sister to cancer after Texaco, which Chevron bought in 2001, deliberately dumped a massive amount of oil pollution near their home.
Chevron doesn’t want you to know Servio’s story – or the stories of any of the thousands of other Ecuadoreans who are suffering from the oil contamination in their Amazon home that Chevron refuses to clean up.
Can you help make sure Chevron can't silence Servio? Here’s the YouTube link to a video of an impassioned speech he gave outside of Chevron’s annual shareholder meeting, in which he vows to honor the memories of his family members by refusing to give up the fight to bring Chevron to justice. You can copy and paste the link into Facebook, Twitter, or any other website where you can share the video:
Share this video, don't let Chevron erase Servio and his family from the public record:
Suggested text: Chevron doesn't want us to know about the people whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed by its oil pollution in the Ecuadorean Amazon. Servio Curipoma’s mother, father, and sister died from Chevron’s oil pollution. Don’t let the oil giant erase Servio and his family from history!
Chevron has found a willing accomplice in US Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan, who issued a “worldwide injunction” to stop enforcement of the historic $18 billion judgment against Chevron handed down by an Ecuadorean court in February. The Ecuadoreans are appealing the injunction, and the trial starts tomorrow.
Judge Kaplan has continually referred to Servio and the other Ecuadoreans suing Chevron as the "so-called Ecuadorean plaintiffs" – implying that the very real and very horrifying conditions that Servio and his community are facing are somehow in question or up for debate. That’s why it’s so important that we all post this video and let everyone – including Judge Kaplan – know that the Ecuadoreans suffering from Chevron’s oil pollution are real, and they’re crying out for justice.
After poisoning his community and taking his family from him, Chevron is heaping disrespect on Servio Curipoma by trying to pretend he doesn’t exist, and that his mother, father, and sister never existed. We can’t let Chevron and Kaplan get away with it. Please share Servio’s story today.»
terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011
As our world changes and grows fastly, people are able to argue that we have the 'human resources section' in so many companies and organismes, lo and behold, we're so retarded in some aspects. We haven't filled yet Humanity spectrum in all its majesty. There's a long journey to walk. But that journey should end victoriously TODAY!
Olho por olho, e o mundo acabará cego.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
As religiões são caminhos diferentes convergindo para o mesmo ponto. Que importância faz se seguimos por caminhos diferentes, desde que alcancemos o mesmo objetivo?
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
O amor é a força mais sutil do mundo.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Acreditar em algo e não o viver é desonesto.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Há riqueza bastante no mundo para as necessidades do homem, mas não para a sua ambição.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
A arte da vida consiste em fazer da vida uma obra de arte.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Não existe um Caminho para a PAZ. A PAZ é o Caminho.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Nas grandes batalhas da vida, o primeiro passo para a vitória é o desejo de vencer.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Conheço muitas razões pelas quais eu morreria, mas não conheço nenhuma pela qual eu mataria.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Devemos expandir o círculo do nosso amor até que ele englobe o nosso bairro, se desdobre para a cidade, o estado e assim sucessivamente até o objetivo do nosso amor incluir todo o universo.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
A força não provém da capacidade física. Ela vem de uma vontade indomável.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
A pureza de espírito e a ociosidade são incompatíveis.
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Ninguém nasce odiando outra pessoa pela cor de sua pele, por sua origem ou ainda por sua religião. Para odiar, as pessoas precisam aprender e, se podem aprender a odiar, podem ser ensinadas a amar.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Democracia com fome, sem educação e saúde para a maioria, é uma concha vazia.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
O dinheiro não vai gerar o sucesso, a liberdade para gerá-lo o fará.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
Tenho visto demasiado ódio para querer odiar.
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
O mundo é um lugar perigoso de se viver, não por causa daqueles que fazem o mal, mas sim por causa daqueles que observam e deixam o mal acontecer.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
A razão é o fruto da experiência.
Vivemos todos no mesmo local embora sobre patamares bem diferentes.
Quando há variância na flora humana, não está presente o silêncio.